Highspot vs Seismic vs SalesHood: The Definitive Comparison [October 2024]

By Elay Cohen
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The Sales Enablement market is evolving fast.

Until recently, platforms in the space offered a patchwork of features, each attempting to solve the sales enablement challenges in their own way. Coupled with limited access to free trials and public knowledge bases, it’s incredibly difficult for sales, marketing and revenue operations leaders to find the right platform for their teams.

To help you find the right solution, we spent three weeks researching Highspot and Seismic.

We analyzed all YouTube videos, user reviews, marketing materials, and demos we could find online. We even spoke with industry experts and former clients to get a comprehensive understanding of the platforms and the entire market.

Here are our conclusions:

Highspot is best known for its content organization and discovery. Its intuitive interface and language localization support make it a strong choice for decentralized global sales teams. However, its basic AI capabilities, sales training features, and Digital Sales Rooms make it outdated in terms of sales readiness and buyer engagement. Additionally, while Highspot’s unique content organization “spots” feature is great for content discovery, it quickly becomes cumbersome for marketing teams and enablement practitioners when managing extensive content libraries.

On the other hand, Seismic is recognized for its robust content management, analytics, and approval management features, making it ideal for large enterprises with complex content needs — especially in highly regulated industries like finance or pharmaceuticals. Its “Planner” and “LiveDocs” functionality offer unique control over content planning, management, and dynamic sharing. However, its complexity, siloed architecture, and steep learning curve aren’t ideal for fast and lean organizations or those seeking rapid deployments and quick sales cycles.

Both Highspot and Seismic’s strengths in content management stem from their origins as content management solutions for large marketing teams. Even though they now position themselves as Sales Enablement Platforms, their content management legacy often leads to challenges in realizing revenue outcomes, improving sales productivity, lengthy setup times, and poor content activation and mastery.

Which is why we included SalesHood in the comparison.

SalesHood was built as a complete Revenue Enablement Platform from the start. It has the most intuitive and practical content organization system, coupled with advanced AI-powered features like content audit (to keep your enablement content fresh) and real-time pitch practice (to help teach your sales team how to activate content).

Unlike Highspot’s basic training features or Seismic’s siloed learning system, SalesHood offers a powerful and easy-to-use learning management experience. Its customizable “Huddles” and “Paths” allow you to build complete internal courses to onboard sales reps and help them perform at their peak all year round. Meanwhile, its Digital Sales Rooms and Mutual Action Plans fill Highspot and Seismic’s gap in buyer engagement and repeatable sales execution.

SalesHood’s approach is holistic. It’s made for agile teams where sales & marketing collaborate to swiftly adapt to market changes, seize new opportunities, and achieve their revenue goals faster.

If the above description resonates with you, reach out and see exactly how SalesHood meets your needs.

In this in-depth article, we’ll compare Highspot vs Seismic vs SalesHood across their three core use cases:

  • Content Management
  • Sales Readiness and Learning
  • Digital Sales Rooms and Client Engagement

We’ll also touch on their AI capabilities, engagement analytics, and the overall user experience to provide a well-rounded view of each platform’s strengths and weaknesses.

Note: This article is 7606 words long and highly detailed. If at any point you feel like expert guidance might help you reach a conclusion faster, feel free to contact our team. They’re here to help you navigate the complexities of the Sales Enablement landscape and find the best platform for your organization.

Highspot vs Seismic vs SalesHood: Comparison Summary

Let’s begin with an overview.




Content Library Management

Uses flexible "spots" for content organization, allowing assets to exist in multiple locations. Offers a unique feedback system and language settings for global teams.Traditional folder structure in the Library tab. Provides DocCenter for specialized content hubs. Offers content syncing from external sources like SharePoint and Google Drive.Features a customizable hierarchical folder system with pages for flexible organization. Offers unique AI-powered content audit, automatic archiving, and synchronized content across the platform and your cloud apps.

Content Organization and Discovery

Offers SmartPages with basic customization using drag-and-drop blocks. Allows dynamic elements but limited structure customization. Lacks draft saving feature for page modificationsProvides TeamSites for content hubs with limited customization. Stands out with a Planner feature for managing content projects and tasks. Offers in-depth approval and versioning system.Offers fully customizable pages with a drag-and-drop editor. Integrates learning elements, AI-generated summaries, and client site lists. Provides a marketplace for sharing templates.

Content Analytics and Insights

Offers basic content insights through content scorecards. Provides data on content usage, pitch performance, business outcomes, and governance. Visualizes content performance based on pitch frequency.
Provides powerful content analytics and comprehensive insights on content performance and engagement. Most suitable for organizations prioritizing in-depth analytics.Offers extensive content insights based on type, location, owner, tag, and timeframe. Provides internal and external engagement metrics, revenue impact, and unique search activity insights.

End-User Experience

Customizable home dashboard with intuitive navigation. Offers quick access to resources, tools, and content. The user interface feels somewhat outdated compared to competitors.Modern, content-focused interface with extensive navigation. The Workspace tab is central for sales reps. Its complex structure requires more time for familiarization and onboarding.Provides an intuitive, fully customizable interface with personalized homepages. Offers quick access to learning tasks and active documents. Allows managers to customize homepages for different segments.

Training and Onboarding

Offers role-specific learning paths with courses, videos, quizzes, and certifications. Provides basic course creation tools with limited question types and video upload capability.Features robust Seismic Learning with AI-assisted lesson creation. Offers diverse lesson elements and chained learning paths. Includes coaching plans for personalized rep development.Provides a flexible learning structure with customizable Huddles and Paths. Offers 32+ pre-built sales training lessons, customizable grading criteria, and unique features like optional modules and prerequisites.

Team Performance Insights

Detailed performance metrics for each team member. Offers a feedback system for submitted courses with custom grading criteria. Allows coaches to rate performance and provide feedback.Focuses on skill-based performance analysis. Allows coaches to assess and grade skills. Provides an overview of sales reps' skills compared to team members.Offers Path- and Huddle-specific progress tracking. Provides completion metrics and assessment results. Allows awarding of certificates or badges upon milestone completion.

AI Coaching

Includes a basic AI Assistant for generating feedback text. Provides basic insights on practice videos, including pitch variation, filler word usage, pace, and talk ratios.Features AI pitch practice with custom prompts and keyword analysis. Generates transcript and scores feedback metrics. Analyzes correct and incorrect keyword usage.Provides advanced AI-powered pitch practice with real-time analysis. Offers extensive feedback on presentation aspects, including tone, pace, and conversational style. Generates detailed improvement suggestions. Able to easily embed AI Coaching into Pages.

Digital Sales Rooms

Offers email pitches, link pitches, and live pitches for content sharing. Requires custom SmartPage design for digital sales rooms, suitable for long sales cycles.Provides digital sales rooms, email sharing, and link sharing. Features LiveDoc functionality for dynamic content hubs. Allows comments within sales rooms for client interaction.Offers quick share, Client Sites, and integrated messaging. Provides easy-to-create branded deal rooms with external content. Includes Mutual Action Plans for buyer-seller alignment.

Buyer Engagement Insights

Focuses on individual user interactions in sales rooms. Provides activity logs showing user engagement, interaction order, time spent, and visit duration on specific pages.Offers detailed session analytics in the Engagements toolbox. Displays total session time, time spent on each content piece, and user details like location and machine information.Provides comprehensive Client Site analytics, including overall metrics and site-specific insights. Offers CRM integration for impact tracking and automatic logging of content activity interactions.

G2 Reviews

4.7 rating from 1,130 reviews4.7 rating from 1,551 reviews4.6 rating from 694 reviews

Best For

Large global sales teams that need fast access to company resources, team performance analytics, and buyer engagement insights with multilingual support.Large enterprises with different departments in need of complex content management, prioritizing in-depth content analytics and skill-based team performance tracking.Agile sales and marketing teams that need flexible content management, powerful training tools, and AI coaching in a unified and intuitive revenue enablement platform.

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What is Highspot?

“Quick content discovery”

Highspot’s homepage has a slogan: ‘Enable the impossible’.

In 2012, Robert Wahbe, Oliver Sharp, and David Wortendyke founded Highspot to address the challenges they observed in enabling large, complex customer-facing teams at Microsoft. They aimed to revolutionize sales enablement tools by combining modern user experience with AI and cloud computing to empower sales and marketing teams to work more efficiently.

Highspot’s platform centers around its unique “spots” feature, which offers flexible content organization without traditional folder structures. It includes SmartPages for customizable content hubs, a feedback system for collaborative content improvement, and language localization features for global teams. It also offers AI-powered search, analytics, and in-context training to enhance sales processes and basic learning paths with certifications.

Highspot is designed for large, decentralized global teams with many sales representatives who need quick access to their company’s resources.

What is Seismic?

“Sales enablement via data-driven content management”

Seismic’s homepage has a slogan: ‘Master Modern B2B Selling with Seismic’.

In 2010, five colleagues founded Seismic to address a recurring problem in client-facing teams: inefficient content management and personalization. Inspired by financial advisors’ makeshift pitchbooks, CEO Doug Winter and his team set out to revolutionize sales enablement software, leveraging the emerging cloud technology to create a more efficient solution.

Seismic‘s flagship product, the Seismic Enablement Cloud™, has evolved into a comprehensive platform for sales and marketing teams. It offers powerful content management with robust analytics, an in-depth approval and versioning system, and the unique “LiveDoc” functionality for dynamic content sharing. The platform also includes “Seismic Learning” for team training, “LiveSocial” for social media engagement, and AI-powered features for content creation and pitch practice — all designed to streamline the sales process and enhance interactions with potential customers.

Seismic’s feature suite is particularly well-suited for large enterprises with long and complex sales cycles, extensive content libraries, and large specialized teams, requiring advanced analytics and strict content governance.

What is SalesHood?

“The all-in-one revenue enablement platform”

SalesHood’s homepage has a slogan: ‘Powering repeatable sales execution’.

While leading Salesforce’s global Sales Enablement function, Elay Cohen helped grow the business from $300 million to $3 billion. Frustrated with the inefficiencies of traditional sales enablement, he founded SalesHood in 2013 to streamline and automate the process using video, mobile, data, and AI technologies.

SalesHood’s Revenue Enablement Platform (REP) stands out with its comprehensive approach to sales readiness, content management, and buyer engagement. It offers customizable learning paths with AI-powered pitch practice, intuitive content organization with automatic auditing, and versatile Client Sites for digital sales rooms. The platform’s unified structure allows for seamless content updates across training, sales pages, and libraries, while its integrated messaging feature facilitates real-time communication with prospects and clients.

SalesHood is ideal for sales and marketing teams seeking to enhance their sales processes, maintain consistent messaging, and drive measurable outcomes. Its rapid setup and flexible customization make it particularly suitable for organizations looking to quickly implement a powerful sales enablement solution that scales with their growth.

Want to see what SalesHood looks like? Take a guided tour or reach out and see exactly how SalesHood meets your needs.

Highspot vs Seismic vs SalesHood: Content Management

Highspot’s “spots” offer flexibility but limited customization, Seismic’s approach is traditional and excels in insights but requires dedicated teams, while SalesHood’s content organization is the most intuitive and customizable.

In this section, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the three platform’s content management features. Everything you can do with them to help your team perform at their peak.

For easier navigation, we split this section into three subsections:

  • Content Library Management
  • Pages For Content Organization and Discovery
  • Content Analytics and Insights

Content Library Management: Highspot’s “spots” are flexible but hard to manage, Seismic is more intuitive with traditional folders, while SalesHood offers the best of both worlds.




In Highspot, you manage your content through the “content” tab; a directory for all your company’s content.

However, when you open it, you’ll notice Highspot doesn’t offer a traditional folder structure. Instead, it has “spots” — uncustomizable content hubs, specialized around categories or topics. They work like tags where one content asset can exist in multiple spots without needing copies.

Highspot’s content management interface divides content categories into ‘spots’.

For example, you could have a spot for a prospect in the fintech industry where you store their specific pitch deck and offer documents but also include industry-specific documents and relevant case studies that exist in other spots at the same time.

Highspot’s individual content spots contain relevant pitch decks, documents, and case studies for a certain category.

The benefit of this approach is quick content discovery without having to navigate through a complex folder structure. You can search for spots like content, based on various criteria: favorites, ownership, and access rights, or in the main search bar. It’s primarily made for sales reps to navigate and surface the right content quickly but it can be a big headache for content teams because they can’t manage everything in one centralized hierarchy.

Another unique feature of Highspot’s content management is its feedback system.

You can set multiple “feedback owners” and a single author for each content asset or spot. This allows you to tell Highspot to forward feedback to a group of people, even if they aren’t the content or the spot’s owners.

Highspot’s content management systems lets its end users give a feedback to creators of individual content.

The asset settings is also where you can set languages for individual pieces of content or spots. This feature is unique to Highspot and allows you to create localized spots and content clusters, which is particularly useful if you have a global team.

On the other hand, Seismic houses all your content in the Library tab — a straightforward folder system.

When you open the library dashboard, you’re presented with quick insights about your content, such as how many pieces are expiring soon, recently expired, and their overall engagement metrics. This is where you create folders and upload content. You can also sync content from external sources like SharePoint, Google Drive, and OneDrive.

Seismic’s content management system is organized with folders.

If you want to organize content into quickly discoverable content hubs like Highspot’s spots, Seismic offers the DocCenter toolbox.

Here, you can create specialized pages for different needs, helping you organize and surface content around specific topics. Like Highspot’s spots, these pages serve more as boards to pin content to and aren’t very customizable.

Seismic’s content management system allows you to build pages that collect relevant content around specific topics.

Compared to Highspot, Seismic’s approach is more traditional and familiar if you’re accustomed to standard file management systems. One drawback we noticed with Seismic is that it doesn’t clearly show what content is published or isn’t, so we constantly had to double-check on the user’s end.

It’s also worth noting that Highspot and Seismic both offer global search functionality, located at the top center of the screen.

Then there’s SalesHood.

With SalesHood, you manage content in the “Content” tab, which includes both — your “Pages” and your Library.

SalesHood’s content management system is split into a Library and Pages.

The library stores all your content in a customizable, hierarchical folder system. You can add folders, files, “Huddles” (more on this in the learning section), or links, and customize your folder structure with pins, tags, permissions, bookmarks, and RSS connections.

You can also sync your library with Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive.

Then there’s the “Pages” tab, where you create and manage pages, page drafts, and templates. Pages can serve the same purpose as Seismic’s DocCenter hubs or Highspot’s spots but are more flexible and way more customizable (more on this in the next sub-section).

SalesHood’s Pages feature allows you to create individual pages collecting relevant materials around specific topics.

SalesHood’s unique content management features compared to Highspot and Seismic are:

  • Advanced, AI-powered content audit: Identifies content that hasn’t been viewed in the last quarter, is orphaned or expired, or has unoptimized metadata.
  • Automatic content archiving: Unlike Highspot and Seismic, SalesHood allows you to automatically archive content once it expires.
  • Synced content updates: Changes made to content are reflected across the entire platform. For example, if you modify a huddle in a course, the changes get synced in your library and on every page that huddle is accessible from.

SalesHood has an AI-powered Content Audit feature that identifies content that needs attention.

SalesHood also includes a global search at the top of your interface that you can use to find all your content, across your learning, sales pages, and library. It’s distinct from Highspot and Seismic because it includes an AI Assistant that surfaces information from documents in seconds (including the sources).

When it comes to implementation, SalesHood outpaces Seismic and Highspot. It allows you to have a sales instance up and running within 30 seconds. This rapid setup includes AI, content, pitches, sales training lessons, enablement templates, and other essential elements.

Content Library Management: Highspot offers basic customization, Seismic provides in-depth planning tools, and SalesHood excels in ease of use, content management, and best-in-class readiness in one experience.




Highspot offers a feature called “SmartPages”.

These customizable pages allow you to embed content to make it easily accessible. You can create a SmartPage from scratch or a template — Hightouch comes with a “Highspot SmartPage Templates” spot that includes a variety of free SmartPage templates. If you want to start with a template, you need to copy it from the template spot.

Highspot’s SmartPage feature lets you build content organization pages from templates or from scratch.

Whatever you choose, when you create a new page, the page editor opens. It works with drag-and-drop blocks and offers basic customization options. You can add elements such as headers, banners, text, images, navigation, dividers, spacers, and rich text.

Highspot also allows you to add dynamic elements like content, spots, and people that can change based on the spot’s content. However, you cannot customize a page’s structure with rows; you can only order elements from top to bottom. You also can’t embed AI for pitch practice, training courses, Learning Paths and training assignments.

Highspot’s page builder has a drag-and-drop interface.

Another drawback of Highspot’s page editor is the inability to save pages as drafts.

When making a new page or modifying an existing one, you must either complete the changes in one session or create a duplicate page to modify and delete the original once the new one is finished. This makes basic page creation and editing hugely inefficient.

After building a SmartPage, you can save it, choose which spot it will be saved in, and select a SmartPage type:

  • Page: A standard, static page with no special features.
  • Play: A page where you can set user or group access and control launch and end dates.
  • Pitch style: Used for pitches; automatically removes internal-facing dynamic content like people or spots so it can be shared externally.

In Seismic, you use the “Profile Builder” tab to create content hubs for different internal profiles or categories. They call these profile or category hubs “TeamSites”. Once created, the TeamSites live in the “DocCenter” tab where anyone with access can quickly find them.

Seismic lets you build content hubs called TeamSites, which collect all relevant content in specific categories.

While we couldn’t directly access the team site editor, based on how they look on the front end, we can guess that Seismic offers limited customization and branding options. For example, branding seems limited to a single banner image, while hub layouts seem fixed, so you’re likely restricted to customizing sections only within preset layouts.

Having said that, Seismic stands out with its “Planner” feature, which is unique among the three platforms. It’s a toolset for managing content projects and tasks in a centralized location. With it, your marketing team can:

  • plan and manage content marketing projects and tasks (1),
  • receive and manage team requests (2),
  • and create project templates (3).

Seismic’s Planner feature allows you to plan and manage content marketing projects and tasks.

Seismic also offers an in-depth approval and versioning system; especially useful for teams requiring strict content governance.

SalesHood’s approach to Pages goes beyond content organization.

Its Pages work as hubs for learning, coaching, content navigation, and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. The Page creation process is straightforward and flexible, following its philosophy: “Move quick, do what you want and nothing you don’t want.”

SalesHood’s Pages feature offers:

  • A drag-and-drop editor for creating fully customizable pages.
  • Options to include text, buttons, images, videos, spacers, and dividers.
  • Integration of learning elements with Training, To-Do, and pitch practice components.
  • Personalized AI Coach to keep sellers fresh and ready.
  • Embedding of content with “Asset”, dynamic asset list, and trending assets features.
  • An AI Publisher that writes summaries based on your
  • Library content that you can add to Pages.
  • Client Site lists for pages linking to sales resources.

You can decide who can see the page; they can be homepages or topic-specific pages (e.g. some people use them for sales plays while others use them for product plays). And, unlike Seismic or Highspot’s pages, you can completely customize and brand your SalesHood pages.

SalesHood’s Pages are completely customizable and brandable.

For example, you could create Pages for specific use cases and needs that look completely different.

A Page, specialized for sales onboarding can have embedded courses and training huddles with a green color code to distinguish it from a purple page, made for quick content access on live calls with case studies and SOP materials.

SalesHood also allows you to create and use templates for faster page creation and provides a marketplace where users can share and access free templates for content and Pages.

Content Analytics and Insights: All three offer content analytics; Highspot’s insights are basic, SalesHood’s are more advanced, while Seismic’s are the most powerful but require data teams to make full use of.




When you access a spot in Highspot, you can view its content insights by clicking the insights button in the top right corner.

This opens the “content scorecard” for that specific spot — an overview of content performance across four areas:

  • Content usage
  • Pitch performance
  • Business outcomes
  • Governance

Highspot’s content insights are organized in content scorecards showing an overview of content performance.

The business outcomes tab is where you find the most actionable data like the number of opportunities contacted, content items viewed, win rate for reviewed content, and total influenced revenue. A graph visualizes content performance based on pitch frequency and attributed revenue. Below this, you see a breakdown of these metrics for each piece of content.

The business outcomes tab among Highspot’s content insights includes actionable data about the number of pitches made with specific content, view rate, influenced revenue won, and more.

The pitches tab provides data on the number of pitches made, view rate, average view time, and email domains contacted.

Highspot’s content governance data, found in the governance tab, helps you monitor unviewed content, policy violations, and content pending approval.

We couldn’t get direct access to Seismic’s content analytics for this comparison.

They’re available in the “Insights” tab and, as far as we understand, are the most powerful out of the three platforms. So, if content insights and analytics are your biggest pain point, Seismic is probably your best option. However, you need dedicated data analysts to get the most out of its toolset.

Seismic’s content analytics are detailed and visually supported with graphs.

In SalesHood, you access “Content Insights” under the Content tab. This feature allows you to analyze your content based on its Type (format), Location (folders), Owner, Tag, and Timeframe.

The insights provide a complete overview of your content, including:

  • Asset count
  • Asset owners and tags
  • Internal engagement metrics (views and view time)
  • External engagement metrics (client site views and view time)
  • Revenue impact (if your Salesforce CRM is connected)

SalesHood’s Content Insights are heavily visually represented and provide a complete overview of content perfromance.

SalesHood also offers Search activity insights. This is similar to Google Search Console, but for your organization’s internal search. It gives your marketing team another angle to identify what people are looking for internally.

Highspot vs Seismic vs SalesHood: Sales Readiness and Learning

Highspot offers basic training features, while Seismic’s are robust but complex. SalesHood offers the most powerful and flexible learning experience with customizable huddles, paths, and gamification.

In this section, we’ll discuss everything that has to do with your team’s learning and preparation. How the platforms help give them the skills, knowledge, and coaching they need to perform at their best. For easier navigation, we split this section into four sub-sections:

  • Platform Overview and End-User Experience
  • Onboarding and Training Features
  • Performance Tracking and Analytics
  • AI Integration and Advanced Features

Platform Overview and End-User Experience: Highspot is intuitive but feels outdated and limited, Seismic is modern and content-focused but complex, while SalesHood is intuitive and completely customizable.




When you open Highspot, you land on the Home Dashboard.

This dashboard contains a search bar for content and people at the top, while the left menu pane offers navigation to Home, Content, People, Pitches, Learning, Engagement, and Analytics.

Highspot’s home screen collects all features in the left menu pane and key resources in the center.

The home screen serves as a customizable hub for each team. It features resources, tools, and content items to support sales reps. You can add links to industry trend papers, internal training and courses, sales plays, tools, processes, and personalized recommended content.

Out of the three, Highspot’s user interface feels the most outdated.

Like Highspot, Seismic greets you with a homepage upon sign-in. It includes sections for quick access to featured content, news updates, new content, top interacted content, and links to playbooks.

Seismic’s home screen has all main features in the left menu pane and shortcuts to featured content, news, playbooks, and more in the center.

The left navigation bar in Seismic includes tabs for Library, DocCenter, NewsCenter, Planner, Profile Builder, WorkSpace, Insights, Engagements, Approvals, and LiveSocial. This is also where you will find Seismic Learning if you have it.

As a sales rep, you’ll most likely spend the most time in the “Workspace” tab when working and in the “Learning” tab when refining your skills.

Seismic’s Learning feature is where sales reps refine their skills.

Then there’s SalesHood. Like the competitors, it also greets reps with a personalized homepage tailored by tenure and role. Unlike the competitors, this homepage is where you’ll likely spend the most time if you’re a sales rep.

SalesHood’s home screen is a personalized homepage tailored by tenure and role.

You can find all your pages in the top navigation bar; accessible with a single click. The homepage itself highlights your learning to-do on the left, while on the right, you get access to your most active documents and a summary of any new or recently modified assets you haven’t opened yet.

If you’re a manager, you can replace specific groups’ or segments’ homepages with a page, allowing you to serve different content to different segments.

When refining your skills, you’ll spend most of your time in “huddles”, which you’ll find and navigate either via specialized pages or in learning paths.

In SalesHood Huddles can be collected for a sales training.

Onboarding and Training Features: Highspot’s learning is the most basic, Seismic’s is more robust and customizable, while SalesHood leads with flexibility and features.




Highspot allows you to create role-specific learning paths using courses, videos, sales material, quizzes, assessments, and certificates. Reps can view all materials connected to their path and track their progress. As they complete paths, you can award certifications based on their quiz performance to gauge their understanding.

Highspot’s learning paths can be built with courses, videos, sales materials, and more, and include progress tracking and completion certificates.

In terms of the courses themselves, Highspot allows you to use single-choice, multichoice, and text answer types for questions. It also allows participants to upload videos; not exactly what you get with a fully-fledged LMS system. It can be enough if your training needs are very basic but won’t do the job for complex sales team readiness needs, where training and sales coaching has to be highly personalized, role-based and collaborative.

Highspot’s final assessments can be built with several types of questions.

On the other hand, Seismic acquired Lessonly a few years ago and renamed it to “Seismic Learning”.

Since then, they’ve gradually integrated it into the platform and expanded its features. It’s more fleshed out compared to Highspot’s courses.

When you open the learning toolbox as an enablement manager, you see a different view than a sales rep. The “Content” tab allows you to manage learning material and create new lessons, paths, practice scenarios, certifications, or learning journeys.

Seismic’s Learning hub allows you to create learning materials with lessons, paths, practice scenarios, and more.

When creating new lessons, you can use templates and Seismic’s AI helper to generate an initial lesson based on your Seismic library material so you don’t have to start from scratch.

You’ll then get redirected to the lesson builder.

This is where you can add more elements to flesh out the lesson. These elements include text, flipcards, images, embeds, video, audio, library content, and more. Lessons are also where you can test your reps knowledge with knowledge checks, questions, and practice elements.

Once you have lessons built, you can chain them together into paths and learning journeys to create complete courses.

Seismic allows you to connect your learning materials into a learning journey.

The other part of Seismic’s learning is coaching, which happens on “Coaching Plans”.

These are essentially pages, personalized for specific sales reps, where they can find “Action items” that help them upskill in preparation for their next assessment. We didn’t find anything similar on Highspot, while SalesHood allows you to do the same thing with its flexible Pages.

Seismic separates Coaching from Learning and has specific tools for each.

Speaking of SalesHood — here, you create and manage training content in the “learning” module.

This module is divided into two main sections: “My Learning” (shows your current, completed, and overdue training content) and “Manage Training, where you can build and manage training courses if you have permission to do so.

SalesHood’s Learning divides into two sub-features, one for learners and one for trainers.

SalesHood allows you to structure learning on two levels:

  1. Huddles: basic learning modules containing key building blocks like exercises, tests, pitch practice, videos, assets, SCORM content, and live event scheduling. SalesHood knows the importance of peer-to-peer, social learning, and collaboration — it’s where the name comes from.
  2. Paths: allow you to organize and sequence Huddles, single assets, or external events to create full courses. Sales teams love how organized Paths are and enablement practitioners love how easy it is to set up and scale them.

When you create a new Huddle, you can set it to “open to everyone” or “scheduled” (available to assigned participants for a certain time only). Besides adding the learning elements, you can customize the Huddle by pinning library content and adding a featured image, description, instructions, or outcomes.

SalesHood’s Learning can be structured into Huddles or Paths, which can be built in a drag-and-drop builder.

When you have a few Huddles, you can chain them in Paths; equivalent to courses.

Paths can be self-paced, scheduled with a due date, or dynamic where the host sets a duration that determines each participant’s due date upon joining. They allow you to organize relevant content into sections (like chapters) and blocks (sub-chapters containing assets like huddles or documents).

SalesHood’s Learning Paths work as courses and chain together Huddles with relevant content.

SalesHood allows you to mark Huddles as optional, set prerequisites, or automatically complete them for users who’ve finished them in another journey. This feature is unique to SalesHood and is possible due to its unified library that tracks user interactions across the platform.

SalesHood also offers 32+ pre-built sales training lessons that you can use out of the box or modify to help you quickly set up new courses.

Considering that it allows you to embed training content onto pages and customize them however you want, you could even create completely custom learning experiences with SalesHood — built of multiple Paths, Huddles, resources, pitch practice, and other interactable elements.

The last thing to look at are the coaching features.

In SalesHood, you can set up Test modules to require previous module completions and define the maximum number of attempts. Meanwhile, for Pitch modules, you set review criteria for graders. Speaking of, for both of these modules, you can set minimum passing scores and assign graders. It also offers AI assessment and scoring modules to help coaches give better feedback.

Once a rep completes a test or submits a pitch recording, SalesHood notifies graders in the “Coaching Activity” toolbox in the top-right corner, prompting them to assess the submission.

SalesHood’s coaching feature allows you to put sales reps through a test.

Team Performance Insights and Analytics: Highspot excels in detailed performance metrics, Seismic offers learning analytics, and SalesHood leverages competitive elements.




In Highspot, you get performance metrics for each team member in the people tab. By selecting an individual, you’ll find a range of information including enrolled courses, progress status, viewing time, and performance scores.

Highspot’s team member performance scorecards are collected under People tab.

Highspot also incorporates a feedback system for submitted courses. As a coach, you can:

  • View course submissions.
  • Rate the performance of enrolled reps.
  • Provide feedback with custom grade points.

This feedback system allows you to set custom feedback criteria to grade the reps’ performance against (for example, effectiveness in uncovering customer challenges, suggestions for improvement, and assessment of business impact).

Highspot allows you to give feedback and grade each sales rep’s performance in submitted courses.

On the other hand, in Seismic, performance analysis revolves around “skills”.

When reps go through training and assessments, coaches can assess their skills and grade them. This data gets stored in the “Skills” toolbox, where you can get an overview of sales reps’ skills side-by-side with others in their team. This tab is also where you can create assessments, define skills, and create coaching plans.

In Seismic sales reps collect their assessment scores from training in the Skills tab.

SalesHood doesn’t have a unified dashboard that displays your whole organization’s learning progress like Highspot or skill metrics like Seismic. Instead, its progress tracking is path- or huddle-specific.

Paths show basic completion metrics to track each enrolled member, team, or segment’s progress across huddles and other resources. Meanwhile, the exercise-specific completion metrics and assessment results are available in the huddle view.

SalesHood collects each rep’s performance through the learning progress under specific paths or huddles.

Like in Seismic, you can award members certificates or badges once they complete milestones.

AI Integration and Advanced Features: Highspot’s feedback AI is basic, Seismic’s allows pitch practice with custom prompts and keyword analysis, while SalesHood takes it even further with real-time insights and more comprehensive feedback.




Highspot’s AI features are basic compared to Seismic and SalesHood’s.

It has an AI Assistant that can generate text so coaches can save some time while giving feedback. It also helps you with a few simple insights on submitted practice videos or calls — insights like pitch variation during the video, filler word usage, pace, and talk ratios.

Highspot has an AI assistant that generates text for feedback and gives some simple insights on practice calls.

Seismic also includes AI pitch practice as part of Seismic Learning. You set it up by giving it a prompt and an example for context, then specifying the correct and incorrect keywords to use, and defining what you want it to analyze (filler words, pace, and confidence).

Once a rep uploads a video, the AI coach will highlight the correct and incorrect keywords they used and score the feedback metrics you selected. It also generates a transcript for the rep to analyze.

Seismic’s AI pitch practice assesses performance based on given criteria.

SalesHood takes AI-powered pitch practice to the next level.

As you record your pitch, the AI examines your words in real-time. It identifies phrases you should use and highlights restricted language. Once you’ve finished, it analyzes your recording and provides feedback on multiple aspects of your presentation: tone, pace, inflection, phrase usage, engagement, duration, closing, and conversational style.

Instead of just giving you a transcript of the pitch like Seismic, SalesHood’s AI Coach creates a whole write-up on what the sales rep did well and how they can do better next time.

SalesHood’s AI Coach analyzes sales pitch recording and provides comprehensive feedback about what the sales rep did well and what they can work on.

Highspot vs Seismic vs SalesHood: Digital Sales Rooms and Client Engagement

Highspot excels in email pitches and individual interaction tracking, Seismic offers customizable LiveDocs and social media tools, while SalesHood provides versatile Client Sites, the best analytics, integrated messaging, and AI-powered insights.

This section is all about the functionality that gives your team an environment where they can perform at their peak to close deals and engage clients. This section is split into three subsections:

  • Digital Sales Rooms and Content Sharing
  • Engagement Analytics and Insights
  • Advanced Engagement Features

Digital Sales Rooms and Content Sharing: Highspot is best for email pitches, Seismic offers customizable LiveDocs, and SalesHood provides versatile Client Sites with integrated messaging.




Highspot offers three ways to share content:

  • Email pitches: Select content and share it via email directly from Highspot. This method allows tracking of both content and email interactions.
  • Link pitches: Create links that lead to a simple content view that tracks interactions.
  • Live pitches: Present content through slide casts (creates a presentation room in your browser that people can join), screen sharing (present content and live demos via a screen sharing software), or in-person presentations (present via a projector, connected to the computer).

Highspot allows you to pitch to customer via email, link, or live.

You can share any type of content with these three options but if you want to make a custom experience for a prospect or client, you’ll need to share SmartPages. However, this is where Highspot’s drawback comes in; you have to design a page from scratch if you want a nice salesroom experience.

That’s not a problem if you’re doing deals with long sales cycles but it doesn’t make much sense to set up a whole site, design it, and brand it for a client you’re closing within 30 days. That’s why their digital sales rooms are geared towards enterprise reps.

Similarly, Seismic has three main ways to share content externally:

  • Digital sales rooms: Create branded and personalized content portals.
  • Email: Like with Highspot, compose emails with “LiveSend” activity tracking links and send them directly from Seismic (but the email composer doesn’t allow personalization variables).
  • Link sharing: Share links with “LiveSend” activity tracking.

Seismic’s digital sales room builder is made to be accessible to sales reps. It helps you build custom experiences by dragging and dropping content onto the page. It also allows you to lock certain elements to specific users. For example, you can lock the banner so it’s only accessible to the design team, while sales reps can add elements to the page.

Seismic’s digital sales room builder enables you to drag and drop content to build a page.

Once a digital sales room is live, visitors can interact with sales reps with comments. However, this feature seems to be localized, there’s no unified communication hub for reps to manage all client communications across sales rooms.

Seismic’s standout sharing feature is its “LiveDoc” functionality.

These are content hubs, also built in the profile builder and set to the “LiveDoc” type instead of “static”. Compared with static content, you can set these up to automatically fill with customer- or prospect-specific content before sharing (for example from Salesforce). LiveDocs also allows you to add and reorder slides and export them in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and PDF formats.

Seismic has a sharing feature called LiveDoc, which automatically fills up pitch slides with customer-specific content.

Then there’s SalesHood. All content in it is tagged as “internal-facing” or “external-facing” so no internal document gets shared accidentally. When setting content to external, you have three options:

  1. Quick share.
  2. Create a new Client Site.
  3. Add to an existing Client Site.

SalesHood provides three external sharing options: share existing site, create a new client site, and quick share.

The “quick share” feature allows you to share approved content from the library with a link or via email. This is similar to Highspot’s link pitch but with more intuitive content access and better interaction tracking.

Then there are “Client Sites”, SalesHood’s Digital Sales Rooms.

These offer a balance of simplicity and customization. You can create and manage them through the “Client Sites” toolbox. When creating a new site, you can put it into one of four categories:

  • Prospecting,
  • Active Deal,
  • Customer Success,
  • and Custom option.

These categories come into play with analytics, which we’ll cover in the next section.

Client Sites are essentially easy to create, manage content repositories, and promote buyer-seller collaboration. They’re designed so sales reps can quickly set up personalized Digital Sales Rooms without design skills, only with library content the marketing team flagged as approved “external”.

The site editor’s structure represents what a client will see on the front end: interactable content assets, organized into content groups.

SalesHood Client Sites editor represents what a client sees on the front end.

SalesHood also has an integrated chat feature, allowing sales representatives to communicate with clients. Unlike Seismic’s sales page-specific comments, SalesHood’s messaging also includes a unified inbox so sales reps can communicate with all clients in one place and don’t have to switch between different client sites.

But SalesHood’s Client Sites aren’t called “Prospect Sites” for a reason.

They help you manage the client post signature as well. After a client is onboarded, they’re great for sharing call recordings, EVRs, and product updates, and serve as a communication hub with SalesHood’s built-in messaging features.

A unique SalesHood feature that takes client management to the next level is “mutual action plans” to align buyers and sellers. With this recent addition, SalesHood is now the only Digital Sales Room platform that checks all 15 Gartner requirements for an ideal digital sales room platform.

SalesHood has a unique “Mutual Plan” feature that help align buyers and sellers during the sales process.

Buyer Engagement Insights and Analytics: Highspot focuses on individual user interactions in sales rooms, Seismic provides detailed session analytics, and SalesHood offers extensive Client Site analytics, including overall metrics and site-specific insights, with CRM integration for impact tracking.




Highspot‘s sales room activity overviews function similarly to content scorecards for specific spots. This feature allows you to track user activity and interaction with specific pages through an activity log.

When you expand a log entry, you can see:

  • how the user engaged with your page,
  • the order of their interactions,
  • where they spent the most time,
  • and the duration of their visit on the page.

Essentially, Highspot’s approach to salesroom analytics is focused on individual user interactions.

Highspot’s salesroom insights show you the salesroom details like who it’s shared with and the content engagement insights where you can see what content has the most engagement time.

In Seismic, the “Engagements” toolbox is where you track how people interact with your content.

It displays the activity of who interacted with the content and when. By clicking on individual interactions, you can access session analytics, which shows total session time, time spent on each piece of content, and user details like location and machine information.

Seismic’s session analytics shows basic engagement information where you can see and compare what content drew the most view time.

Then there’s SalesHood. Here, you get two types of Client Site Analytics.

The first one is overall sales room metrics through the “Client Sites” toolbox, under “Insights”. This is where you can see all seller activity, client engagement, and revenue impact metrics across all your sites over a set time. You can also filter by the owner and by site use case (prospecting, active deal, customer success, and others).

SalesHood’s client site Insights are most powerful when connected with your CRM, so you can directly see how much each client site is impacting your bottom line.

The second type of analytics is available in the “Insights” tab on each site and displays the site-specific insights. Here, you’ll find who is engaging with your site and their specific engagement metrics, which content is being engaged with most and its engagement metrics, and an event log to see the sequence of engagement by contact.

SalesHood’s engagement metrics can be sorted by week, month, or quarter so you can easily follow sales KPIs.

If your Salesforce CRM is connected, you can also track the impact your team is making through Client Sites and automatically log content interactions as activities in Salesforce.

Compared to Highspot and Seismic, SalesHood gives you a more extensive overview of customer interactions.

BONUS SECTION — Advanced Engagement Features: Seismic offers social media tools, SalesHood provides AI-powered insights, and both platforms integrate AI for content search.

Seismic has a unique tool, LiveSocial.

This allows you to discover social media content relevant to your prospects and their niche. The primary benefit of it is that it aids sales reps in engaging with potential clients and creating content that resonates with your target audience.

Seismic’s LiveSocial page surfaces recent social media posts, relevant to your preset professional or individual interest topics.

The LiveSocial dashboard lets you set your interests, and Seismic surfaces posts related to those topics. You can connect your social profiles and schedule posts or send emails directly from Seismic. However, this scheduling feature is quite basic, and you’ll find specialized scheduling software more effective for this purpose.

SalesHood uses AI to generate summaries of call recordings.

This feature provides quick insights into conversations, beneficial for team members who weren’t present on the call or need a refresher on key points discussed.

Here’s an in-depth demo of SalesHood’s industry-leading AI features, in case you want to dive deeper into how it can help your team.

Highspot vs Seismic vs SalesHood: Pros & Cons

Highspot ProsHighspot Cons
Flexible "spots" for content organization “Spots” become difficult to manage at scale
Quick content discovery without folders Inability to save pages as drafts
Language localization for global teams Basic AI features compared to competitors
Intuitive user interface Limited training and course creation features
Email pitching and link-sharing capabilities Lack of integrated messaging in deal rooms
Digital Sales Rooms less suitable for short sales cycles
Doesn’t scale for partner sales channels
Seismic ProsSeismic Cons
Powerful content analytics Complex user interface
Robust approval and versioning system for regulated industries Limited customization for TeamSites (content hubs)
"Planner" feature for managing content projects and tasks No unified sales room communication hub
Customizable LiveDocs for dynamic content sharing Steep learning curve due to numerous features and tools
LiveSocial tool for social media content discovery and engagement
Too many hard-to-justify features that aren’t used frequently, making it hard to use
SalesHood ProsSalesHood Cons
Most customizable and intuitive content organization No social media tools like Seismic's LiveSocial
Rapid setup (30 seconds for a sales instance) No skill metrics dashboard like Seismic
AI-powered content audit and automatic content archiving Has a learning curve for utilizing all features effectively
Highly flexible and customizable pages
Advanced AI-powered pitch practice and sales coaching with real-time analysis
Comprehensive analytics for client interactions and revenue impact
Mutual Action Plans for buyer-seller alignment

Final Verdict: Seismic vs Highspot vs SalesHood

Highspot offers quick content access for global sales teams, Seismic provides powerful content management for large enterprises with strict needs, while SalesHood balances customization, flexibility, and AI for agile teams seeking rapid deployment and comprehensive revenue enablement.




Best For
Large global sales teams seeking flexible content management and buyer engagement insights with multilingual support.
Best For
Large enterprises with complex content management needs, prioritizing in-depth analytics and strict governance.
Best For
Agile sales and marketing teams seeking a highly customizable, AI-driven platform with rapid implementation for unified revenue enablement.

Highspot, Seismic, and SalesHood each cater to different organizational needs and priorities in the sales enablement space. Highspot excels in flexible content organization, Seismic offers powerful analytics and governance, while SalesHood provides a balance of customization, AI integration, and rapid deployment.

Use Highspot if:

  • You’re a large global team needing multilingual content support.
  • You prioritize quick content discovery and flexible organization.
  • You need basic training and performance tracking features.
  • You prefer an intuitive, user-friendly interface over a modern one.
  • You don’t need to enable your indirect sales partners like your sales teams

Use Seismic if:

  • You’re a large enterprise with complex content management needs.
  • You require powerful analytics and strict content governance.
  • You need advanced content project management tools.
    You have dedicated teams to manage and analyze platform data.

Use SalesHood if:

  • You have a small and nimble sales enablement team.
  • You need a highly customizable platform that can be rapidly deployed.
  • You’re looking for a unified platform for sales enablement and buyer engagement.
  • You want advanced AI-powered features, including real-time pitch analysis.
  • You need flexible learning tools with customizable paths and huddles.
  • You want comprehensive client site analytics with CRM integration.

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