Create personalized learning experiences


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SkillsHood boosts employee productivity by elevating how employees learn, coach, and collaborate asynchronously.

Book a meeting

Deliver personalized learning for onboarding and ongoing training.

Curate learning experiences

  • Learning Paths by role
  • Completion tracking
  • Badging and certifications
  • Gamification
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Accelerate learning with AI video role-playing

Receive real-time and AI generated feedback

  • Tone, duration, speed.
  • Key phrases mentioned and restricted phrases avoided. 
  • Insights for managers.
  • No code required custom scoring administration.
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Test knowledge

Assess your teams 

  • Create custom tests and quizzes
  • Drag and drop different testing options
  • Automate scoring 
  • Send test results to managers
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Empower employee video storytelling and recognition

Easily capture video stories

  • Mobile and desktop video capture
  • Organize stories in Library
  • Create a virtual employee directory
  • Automate transcription and smart search


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Modern Learning Resources

Here are resources to help you execute high impact learning.

Foundations Of Modern Learnjng

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Scaling Readiness With Ai

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Manager Enablement

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See SkillsHood in action

It’s amazing to see sales enablement mature and transform to company-wide enablement. Now more than ever, all departments are looking for innovative ways to lift employee productivity and bring teams together virtually.

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