Sales Prospecting Training

Most sales teams need high-quality leads. How are you enabling your team to self-source more pipeline? Our proven sales training program helps SDRs and AEs quickly develop self-sourced pipelines using the latest tips and guides from SalesHood.

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Create more self-sourced pipeline.

Enable your teams to develop self-sourced pipeline with SalesHood’s Sales Prospecting training. They’ll master territory planning, account prioritization, and prospecting without leaving the field.

SalesHood offers a turnkey Sales Prospecting Training program including:

  1. Bite-sized video lessons
  2. AI-powered exercises and role-playing
  3. Personal AI Coach for practice and reinforcement
  4. Email and cadence templates
  5. Team collaboration
  6. Badging and accreditation
  7. CRM integration for impact reporting

Our training is concise, informative, and includes live discussions and real-world advice. Get your go-to-market teams prospecting more effectively and closing more deals today. Fill out the form to speak with one our sales training experts who will tailor a program to your needs.

Find out how to get started with SalesHood's prospecting sales training

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What's Included in Prospecting by SalesHood

Turnkey, on-demand sales training

Video lessons
Role-playing exercises
Practice with AI Coaching
Selling guides and tips
Email and cadence templates
Curated learning experiences
Badging and gamification
CRM integration

Sales Prospecting with video

Create more pipeline and improve pipeline conversions by sales prospecting with video Book a meeting to speak with one of our sales training experts to find out how to get started.

Prospecting by SalesHood video lessons


Territory Planning


Account Planning


Account Research


Mastering LinkedIn




Multi-touch Outreach


Video Prospecting


Digital Selling


First Call Qualification

SalesHood guides sellers on what to do and what to share, delivering highly personalized Sales Prospecting training and coaching.

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