High Impact
Sales Content
Revenue Teams Leverage To Win

May 9, 2024 10:00 am pst

Join us on May 9th for a live webinar with Penny Springer and Ash Gardea from Planview. We’ll discuss proven ways to create high impact sales content revenue teams leverage to win more business. Empower your teams to spend more time selling and less time searching.

Webinar Key-Takeaways:

  1. Pillars of an impactful sales content strategy
  2. Mapping sales content to sales process execution
  3. Creating and curating sales content resources

Expect to see a live demo of SalesHood’s AI Assistant for Sales Content including AI Publisher, AI Content Governance and AI Search.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see and learn how to develop a winning sales content strategy. Your revenue teams will thank you for it.

VP Revenue Enablement
Revenue Enablement Specialist