Fast Start Virtual Kickoff With Video Win Stories

By Elay Cohen
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A proven way to fast start your year and to make your kickoff more engaging is to crowdsource win stories before sales kickoffs. Don’t wait.

Jake Hofwegen (SVP Revenue Operations & Strategy) decided that he and his team wanted to crowdsource win stories across all their revenue teams. They challenged every sales channel and customer success professional at Yext to record a short video deal win story. Their teams recorded over 260 win stories which were peer-reviewed and watched over 1,500 times. They even showed some of the biggest and most creative deals wins at their kick-off event. Kudos to you and your team Jake!

With SalesHood, it’s easy and fun to do. Here is an article explaining how it works – click to read.

Have your teams record their best deal win stories and success stories before the event. Show the best ones at your event. Doing this will help your teams network before, during and after the event too. As people meet in person during the event, they can use their stories as conversation ice-breakers.

Here’s what we recommend companies to do to execute this strategy:

  1. Work with your sales leaders to create a deal win and customer success win story template.
  2. Have your leaders nominate the top deal wins
  3. Get the stories video recorded and peer reviewed before your event
  4. Use the sales and customer success win story videos as pre-work
  5. Get your teams networking before the event starts by watching and reviewing each other’s win stories
  6. Show the win stories at your kickoff
  7. Use the win stories in your new hire onboarding after the event too

This is the fastest and surefire way to create rich stories that are relevant and valuable to your employees.

Win Story Template Questions

  1. Who is the customer?
  2. What’s the deal size?
  3. What did we sell?
  4. What’s the compelling event?
  5. Who were the players and why did they buy now?
  6. Who did we compete with? How did we win?
  7. What were the lessons learned?
  8. And, don’t forget to thank the team.

(These questions should be tailored to match to your sales process and go-to-market.)

Here are some additional blogs and resources to help you create an amazing kickoff experience for your teams.

The Ultimate Sales Kickoff – click to read

How To Run A Successful Kickoff – click to read

Proven Ways To Drive Up Kickoff Engagement – click to read

The Definitive Kickoff Agenda – click to read

Avoid These 15 Kickoff Mistakes – click to read

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